View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001480MantisDroidDefectpublic2022-11-05 11:28
Reportere7andy Assigned Toe7andy  
PriorityhighSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Versionnext release 
Summary0001480: After some actions issues in the lists are displayed twice
DescriptionAfter some actions issues in the lists are displayed twice. After refresh everything is OK again.
TagsNo tags attached.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-10-24 07:32 e7andy New Issue
2019-10-24 07:32 e7andy Status new => confirmed
2019-10-24 08:48 e7andy Target Version => next release
2019-10-24 08:50 e7andy Status confirmed => assigned
2019-10-24 08:50 e7andy Assigned To => e7andy
2020-11-19 15:02 e7andy Assigned To e7andy =>
2020-11-19 15:02 e7andy Priority normal => high
2020-11-19 15:02 e7andy Status assigned => confirmed
2020-11-19 15:02 e7andy Target Version next release => backlog
2022-11-05 11:27 e7andy Assigned To => e7andy
2022-11-05 11:27 e7andy Status confirmed => assigned
2022-11-05 11:27 e7andy Assigned To e7andy =>
2022-11-05 11:27 e7andy Status assigned => confirmed
2022-11-05 11:27 e7andy Target Version backlog => next release
2022-11-05 11:28 e7andy Assigned To => e7andy
2022-11-05 11:28 e7andy Status confirmed => assigned